Specification of benefit requirements for an extensive region-wide programme of works

Toronto’s Union Station lies at the heart of the GO network,
connecting the city to every part of Ontario’s Greater Golden Horseshoe region. Multiple projects are underway at the station, preparing the 6.4km Union Station Rail Corridor (USRC) for GO Expansion service levels.

As Project Sponsor for Metrolinx, a Crown agency of the Government of Ontario, Direx Solutions specified benefit requirements for an extensive region-wide programme of works involving the introduction of new trains, improved timetables, and the development of new infrastructure, including track and stations.

Supporting the delivery of the station regeneration program at Toronto Union Station, Direx Solutions provided expertise across various areas, including passenger facilities, station design and layout, multimodal interchange requirements and integration, track layout and platform requirements, train service provision, retail operations, service quality, business standards, and health and safety requirements. Our primary objective was to ensure a seamless and enhanced experience for passengers while maintaining operational continuity during the station’s redevelopment and construction.